Once this form is complete and submitted, you will recieve an email with a quote and a link to the payment portal.


All bundles come with a Facilitator Guide, a PowerPoint slide deck, a Data Collection Spreadsheet, and Participant Kits tailored to the selected number of participants. Two options are available for the Facilitator Kits—please choose the one that best suits your needs. If you plan to facilitate multiple sessions, select the Multi-Use Bundle, which is designed for the number of participants in your first session and includes reusable, laminated pre-printed flipcharts. The toolkit is included at no additional cost as part of the Bundle package. Please note: Each Participant Kit is licensed for single use only. Cost: Single Use: $2750, $3500, $4250, $5000 for 15, 20, 25, and 30 respectively. For Multi-Use: $2800, $3550, $4300, $5050

Please indicate whether you would like single or multi-use Facilitator Guides:

Please indicate how many participants you have:

Quantity: 0

Photo of a bundle.

Participant Kits

Participant Kits are designed for the selected number of participants and include Experience Journals, Role Folders, Role Sheets, Supervisor Role Directions, red and white paper, name tents, and name badges. Please note: Each Participant Kit is licensed for single use only. Cost: $2250, $3000, $3750, $4500 for 15, 20, 25, and 30 participants respectively.

Please indicate how many Particpant Kits you need:

Quantity: 0

Photo of a participant kit.


Restock your toolkit easily with this option. The toolkit includes pencils, rulers, markers, scissors, clipboards, and painter's circle templates. Select the Toolkit size you would like based on the number of participants you anticipate for your largest session. Cost: $45, $50, $55, $60 for the respective number of participants.

Please indicate how many Toolkits you need:

Quantity: 0

Photo of a toolbox.

Total: $0